Common mistakes in English

Common mistakes in English to Avoid, confusing words, common errors in English grammar and pronunciation. Popular errors Errors in English usage to avoid. Learn how to speak correct English.

Confused man icon - thinking

False Friends in English

Common False Friends in English – for French Speakers Attention French speakers – beware of false friends in the English Language   What are false friends in a foreign language? Language false friends are words in different languages that appear similar but have different meanings. They can lead to confusion and miscommunication, as people may

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Stationary vs stationery

Common mistakes in English: stationary vs stationery

Common mistakes in English: stationary vs stationery Are they two different words or is it just a spelling mistake?   What’s the difference between stationery and stationary?    The difference between Stationary and Stationery Explained These two words are often confused because they have a very similar spelling. Stationary Stationary is an adjective. Means standing

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Connect to or connect with

Learn English: connect to or with

What is correct: connect to or with?   Answer: both may be correct depending on the context. Each of them collocates with different words.   Connect to vs connect with ‘Connected to’ usually means a physical connection. E.g. ‘Your computer is connected to a printer’. ‘Connected with’ someone or something means a relationship. E.g. ‘He is still connected

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Adapt vs adopt. What is the difference?

Adapt vs Adopt – Difference Explained

Adapt vs Adopt The difference between adapt and adopt explained     Common Mistakes in English: Adapt and Adopt There are some very common mistakes in English that even native English speakers make, one of them is ‘adapt’ confused with ‘adopt’. Although similar, adopt and adapt are completely different words.   You may also like: 

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Anyone or anybody

Learn English: anyone vs anybody

Anyone vs Anybody What is the difference between anyone and anybody? Which one should I use, ‘anyone’ or ‘anybody’? Have you ever wondered which form is better to use? Here we have some help for you. The answer is: both are correct and both mean the same. So what’s the difference?  The difference explained  Usually

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Does or do anybody, which is correct?

Learn English: ‘does anybody’ or ‘do anybody’?

Does anybody’ or ‘do anybody This is a question very often asked by our students: Does anybody or do anybody?   Answer: DOES is correct. Why? Let’s look into the details. Does anybody vs Do anybody Do you know why ‘Does anybody’ is correct? ‘Anybody’ is a third person singular form and takes -s in

Learn English: ‘does anybody’ or ‘do anybody’? Read More »